Số 260 (Số mới 207) Đ. Dương Văn Bé, P.Vĩnh Tuy, Q.Hai Bà Trưng, TP.Hà Nội

Máy in Heidelberg, Polar đã qua sử dụng (Cập nhật T2/2024)


HEIDELBERG CD74-8 P-C (53 x 74cm).Age c.2005 ,serial no. circa 186 million, CP 2000, Alcolor with Vario Damping, Technotrans Beta C ref/circ with ink temp control, Heidelberg AirStar, Heidelberg ScrollStar, Electronic double sheet control, Heidelberg powder star AP262 Powder spray, Intercom, Eltex ionised blast in feeder, Programmable roll/bla/imp.cyl.wash via CP2000, Steel plate in Feeder and Delivery.
Available: Immediately

HEIDELBERG XL106-5+LX (75 x 106cm), Age c.2018.
serial no.FS002435, circa 102 million,18,000 SPH, Prinect Press Center XL2, Printec Inpress Control, Wallscreen, Hycolor Dampening, Push to stop features, Preset Plus Feeder,
Acoustic package in feeder, Sheet slow-down device (timed), Staticstar advanced in feeder, Double sheet detector,
Multiple sheet detector, Autoplate pro-automatic plate loading, Programmable Wash of Rollers/IMP/Blanket Cylinders
via Press Center, Combistar beta C-Refigeration/recirculation/ink temperature control-air-cooled, Alcosmart AZR. FilterStar Compact.
Available immediately.

3. HEIDELBERG CX75-5 (53 x 75cm), Age c.2017, serial no.LS001506, circa 98 million, Presscentre to Easy colour control Alcolor with Vario Damping, Preset Plus feeder and delivery, Autoplate, Intercom, Preloader, Ultrasonic two sheet detection, Eltex ionised blast in feeder, Atlas Copco compressor, Press Centre 2 instant gate, Heidelberg Powderstar AP262 powder spray, Heidelberg Hydrostar refreigeration with mixer.
Press centre 2 colour assist pro, available immediately

4. HEIDELBERG XL75-5+L-C(53 x 75cm), Age c.2016, serial no.LS001317, circa 275 million, Prinect Press Center, Alcolor
with Vario dampening, Autoplate PRO, INPRESS control, Wallscreen, Preset Plus Feeder, Electro mechanical 2 sheet
detector, Staticstar Compact in feeder, Alcosmart AZR, Scrollstar, Powderstar, Drystar IR/TL dryer, Combistar beta
C-Refigeration/recirculation/ink temperature control-air-cooled, Programmed rollwe/blanker/impression cylinder wash
via Press Centre, Tresu Cammeracle coater with anilox, Preset Plus Delivery, Staticstar Compact in delivery,  available

HEIDELBERG XL75-5+L-C(53 x 75cm), Age c.2010, serial no.LS000520, circa 205 million, Printcentre, Wallscreen,
INPRESS control, Alcolor with Vario Damping, Autoplate, Preset Plus Feeder, Anti static device in feeder, Technotans
Beta C Combistar refrig/recirc with ink temp control (CAN) water cooled, Alcosmart AZR, Programmable roll/bla/imp.
cyl. wash via CP2000, Heidelberg Powderstar (Weko AP262) (CAN), Tresu Cameracle coater with Anilox roller,
Heidelberg Drystar IR dryer, Preset Plus Delivery, Venturi air guide system, Heidelberg ScrollStar, , available

5. HEIDELBERG CD74-5 C(52 x 74cm), Age c.2003, serial no.450438, circa 145 million, 15,000 SPH, CP 2000, Alcolor with
Vario dampening, Autoplate, Preset, Non stop feeder, Non stop delivery, Programmable roll/bla/imp. cyl. wash via
CP2000, Heidelberg Hydrostar Beta D refrigeration, Heidelberg AirStar, Atlas Copco SF4 compressor, Heidelberg
Powderstar Exatronic powder spray, New style Preset Plus XO Delivery, available February 2024

HEIDELBERG SX74-5-H(52 x 74cm), Age c.2013, serial no.DS001041, circa 80 million, Prinect CP2000 Press Centre, Axis Control (Colour Management/ spectral measuring system), Alcolor with Vario Damping, Autoplate Pro (Automatic
plate change), Programmable blanket/roller/imp. cylinder wash, Steel plate in feed and delivery, Eltex anti static
equipment on feeder/delivery, Eltex ionisation blast in feeder, Technotrans alpha C combined refrig/ink temp control,
Alcosmart AZR, Double sheet detector, Heidelberg powderstar AP232, available immediately

6. HEIDELBERG SM52-4+LX Anicolor(36 x 52cm), Age c.2008, serial no.208283, circa 123 million, CP2000, Anicolor
damping, Tower coater, Extended delivery, Preset, Autoplate, Technotrans Alpha C refrigeration/ink temp control,
Programmable roll/bla/imp. cyl. wash via CP2000, Heidelberg Drystar IR dryer, Eltex ionised blast in feeder, Grafix
alphatronic 200 powder spray, Atlas Copco compressor, Ink Line system, available immediately

7. HEIDELBERG SM74-4LX, Age c.2009, serial no.DS000288, circa 208 million, Press Centre, Prinect Axis Control, Prinect
Instant Gate, Prinect Color Assistant, Alcolor with Vario, Preset, Auto plate, Baldwin HydroStar refrigeration with
Balcontrol, Heidelberg FilterStar Beta F, Tresu Cameracle coater with Anilox roller, Programmable roll/bla/imp. cyl.
wash via Press Center, Extended delivery, Heidelberg Drystar 2000 IR dryer Can, Heidelberg PowderStar Grafix
Alphatronic 200, Steel plate in Feeder and Delivery, Atlas Copco compressor, Eltex de-ionised blast at feed, available

HEIDELBERG GTOZ 52(36 x 52cm), Age c.1990, serial no.700893N, circa 48 million, Royse refrigeration, Quick action
clamps, Heidelberg powder spray, plus version, Including numbering and perforating, available immediately

8. HEIDELBERG PMGTO52-2, Age c.1999, serial no.717801, circa 34 million, DDS Dampening, Lazer cut ink ducts, Quick
action plate clamps, Bacher register, Weko T6 powder spray, Weko electronic 2 sheet detection, Plus version
including numbering/perforating, available immediately.

Age: c.2009
Serial Number: DS000288
Circa 210 Million Impressions
Equipped With:-
Press Centre
Prinect Axis Control
Prinect Instant Gate
Prinect Colour Assistant
Alcolor with Vario
Auto plate
Baldwin HydroStar refrigeration with Balcontrol
Heidelberg FilterStar Beta F
Programmable roll/bla/imp. cyl. wash via Press Center
Tresu Cameracle coater with Anilox roller
Extended delivery
Heidelberg Drystar 2000 IR dryer Can
Heidelberg PowderStar Grafix Alphatronic 200
Steel plate in Feeder and Delivery
Atlas Copco compressor
Eltex de-ionised blast at feeder

10. POLAR 92XT, Age c.2005, serial no.7511620, Chrome airbed, Chrome side tables L&R, Colour touch screen controls,
Infra-red light guards, Rear table fully guarded, 2x Spare blades, Manuals & standard tools, available immediately

11.POLAR 92X, Age c.2004, serial no.7411054, Central air table, Programmable with colour screen, Infra-red light guards,
Rear bed Guarding, Spare Knives, available March 2024

POLAR 78ES, Age c.2000, serial no.7061229, TV Monitor, Chrome central airbed, Chrome side tables L&R, I.R. safety
guards, 1 x spare blade, available immediately

12. POLAR GUILLOTINE FLOW LINE 115 XT, Age c.2006, serial no.7631225, Colour Touch Screen, Chrome central airbed, Side tables (1m) L&R with air, IR safety barriers, Rear table fully guarded, 2 x Knorr B1 Pile lifts, 2x Spare blades,
available immediately

Số 260 (Số mới 207) Đ. Dương Văn Bé, P.Vĩnh Tuy, Q.Hai Bà Trưng, TP.Hà Nội.
Tel: 096.669.1858 Email: customersupport@heipritec.com
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